42Words artwork on display across Nene Park

artwork displayed in nene park

We are pleased to announce that all 42 artworks are now on display across Nene Park. Go and discover them at a number of locations – In Ferry Meadows around Centre Point and along the Bluebell Wood boardwalk, in Thorpe Meadows along the Horse route and in Woodston Reach.

The 42Words art project, funded by Arts Council England, is our way of collecting the shared experiences of our community during lockdown and responding creatively to capture this once-in-a-lifetime event through art. We wanted to support local artists and involve Park visitors, staff, volunteers and local communities in creating new artworks for the Park. Thanks to Arts Council Emergency Response funding we have worked with 14 local artists, many of whom have had work cancelled or postponed due to Covid-19. We’ve had a great response to the project – with lots of words submitted by the public, and the artists responded to the words and the Park through poetry, painting, drawing and photography to create a series of beautiful outdoor exhibitions. This has been an important opportunity to reflect on the importance of greenspaces and the arts in providing invaluable support to us all over the last few months.

The Artists involved: Clare Currie, Faith Falayi, Charley Genver, Mark Grist, Katy Hawkins, Paper Rhino (Fiona Cifaldi, Dominc Le-Hair, Jason Duckmanton & Amanda Rigby), Prin Marshall, Lee Mason, Stuart Payn, Charron Pugsley-Hill, Malika Speaks.

Find out more about the project and the artists here.

Take a look at the artworks in their different locations here.