In the summer of 1736 a Romano-British villa was discovered when tesserae from a large mosaic pavement were uncovered during ploughing. The villa was subsequently located a second time by aerial photography during the extremely dry summer of 1976, when parch marks of buried walls were recorded spread across three fields. A geophysical survey undertaken to accurately locate and amplify the aerial photographic information was carried out over a total of ten days in 1992 and 1993.
The Church of St Andrew is located to the east of the village, adjacent to the River Nene; it dates from the late 12th century. The main period of construction was in the 13th and 14th centuries and the building was restored and extended in 1876. Cotterstock Hall was built in 1658 with alterations in the early 18th century and a main staircase added in the 19th century. The poet and playwright John Dryden was a frequent visitor and is thought to have stayed in the south-west attic room at the Hall, visiting relatives, the last of whom, Rev Sir George Booth, died in 1797.