Events Calendar

Natural Minds at Barnwell Country Park

Barnwell Country Park Barnwell Road, Oundle, United Kingdom

Time out for adults of all ages. Enjoy connecting with nature, meeting people and learning new skills. A themed walk around the park, an activity £4 per person. Usual parking charges apply. Natural Minds run on the first Monday of each month Booking essential email Please wear suitable outdoor clothing.


Creative Connections Workshops

Stanwick Lakes , United Kingdom

“Experience how savouring nature can soothe the mind and boost your creativity" Enrol on this free mindfulness workshop, taking you through 6 sessions delivered online between July and September, with an option to attend a final face-to-face workshop at Stanwick Lakes. Sessions are run by Outdoor Tribe and are fully funded by the Nenescape Landscape Scheme as part of their Extracts ... Read More
