Heritage Lottery Success for Stanwick Lakes

After the success of previous projects, Stanwick Lakes are excited to have been awarded a Heritage Lottery grant for our next exciting Heritage project!

It will will focus on three areas:

  • The restoration of the Bronze Age Bowl Barrow, bringing it back to its former glory in the landscape and raising awareness of its historical and cultural significance.
  • Experimental build of a Bronze Age Boat, with the assistance of volunteers from the community and with specialist advice, using ancient skills and tools wherever possible.
  • Developing our roundhouse into a typical Iron Age farm settlement to be a focal point for ‘Living History’ experiences, re-enactments and traditional crafts such as weaving, pottery, jewellery, metal, and wood working.

Each project will have opportunities for community volunteering – if you’re interested in finding out more please email heritage@rftrust.org.uk