Peterborough Museum & Art Gallery

Evie Godfrey

Located in one of the city’s most historic buildings, Peterborough Museum has a wealth of stories to fascinate and enthral the whole family.With amazing objects and interactive displays for all ages, the collections comprise over 200,000 items of great national and international importance. Our art gallery hosts an exciting programme of changing temporary exhibitions from local to internationally renowned artists.


Evie GodfreyUncategorized

A new project is underway called ‘Nenespiration’! The project is exploring people’s aspirations for the Nene Valley over the next 20 years. During Nene Valley Festival 2019, Destination Nene Valley and other Nenescape partners, were out and about at events gathering feedback about what the Nene Valley means to its residents and visitors. Using this feedback and more, Nenescape partners; One to One Development … Read More

900 Voices of the Nene

Evie GodfreyUncategorized

Explore over 1,000 digitised ‘voices’ – films, photographs, audio interviews and a spectacular ‘Digital River Nene’ art installation – created with Nenescape as part of Peterborough Cathedral’s 900th year celebration. Designed and developed by One to One Development Trust

Crafts at Stanwick Lakes

Evie GodfreyUncategorized

Enjoy a wide variety of arts and craft events throughout the year, whether you want to learn a new skill, brush op on an old one or meet new people

Wellingborough Museum

Evie Godfrey

The collection dates back to 1987 when the Wellingborough Civic Society set up the Heritage Centre in Croyland Hall. Explore over 40,000 catalogued items all relating to the history of Wellingborough and the surrounding villages. The Wellingborough Museum is housed within the historic Dulley’s Baths building built by David Dulley in 1892. George Cox, who had worked for the brewery, bought … Read More


Evie GodfreyUncategorized

Vivacity is an independent, not-for-profit organisation with charitable status. We manage many of Peterborough’s most popular culture and leisure facilities for both residents of the city and visitors to Peterborough. Vivacity provides a myriad of opportunities for people to take part in cultural and leisure activities. Art, heritage, learning, sport and healthy living form the mainstay of our services, with the … Read More

78 Derngate

Evie GodfreyUncategorized

The house was remodelled by the world-famous designer Charles Rennie Mackintosh in his iconic Modernist style. The gallery upstairs is free to enter and has a series of exhibitions throughout the year. The dining room and the in-house boutique restaurant offers a full range of delicious contemporary cuisine. From a coffee to a light lunch, full afternoon tea or a delicious … Read More