Heritage Open Days Heritage Fair

Rickileigh Edwards

Abington Park Museum has been a regular host of the fair and we aim to bring you a wide variety of stalls, exhibits, displays and demonstrations. These will be both inside and outside covering different local subjects, with something to interest everyone. As part of Heritage Open Days, a classic free bus service will run between Northampton town centre and … Read More

Brixworth All Saints Church

Rickileigh Edwards

Oldest church north of the Alps in continuous use Supporting Ride and Stride, the church is a leading example of early Anglo-Saxon architecture. The heritage centre will also be open and serving light refreshments.

Magnificent Mosaic

Adrian Oates

Come along to learn about the magnificent roman mosaic found close to Ketton, Rutland. Jim Irvine will speak about how he found the mosaic and the process of what happened next. Lakeside meeting room, Nene Outdoors, Ham Lane , PETERBOROUGH, PE2 5UU Book via the Nene Park Trust Website.

Model Weekend

Adrian Oates

Join us at Rushden Railway Station and Goods Shed for our annual Model Weekend. The Goods Shed will be full of a selection of models including running model railways of different types, boats, car and more. Our Pacer train will be running trips every 45 mins from 11am – 3.30pm The Buffet Carriage will be open for sandwiches, cakes and … Read More

Old Black Lion Tours

Adrian Oates

There will be 4 public tours, each lasting one hour, of the Old Black Lion site on Marefair in Northampton. Each tour is limited to a maximum of 10 people so booking is required. Neighbouring St Peter’s Church should also be open to the public at this time

Jeyes of Earls Barton Special Bus Tours

Adrian Oates

Northamptonshire’s Transport Heritage will be running special bus tours to Jeyes, so why not pop along to visit, have lunch and take the opportunity to explore this delightful apothecary. No booking required.

Northamptonshire Heritage Fair

Adrian Oates

Northampton Museum & Art Gallery, Abington Park Museum, Chester House Estate. This year we are expanding the Heritage Fair over three venues. Abington Park Museum has been a regular host of the fair and the two newly opened venues of Northampton Museum & Art Gallery and Chester House Estate will co-host. We aim to bring you a greater number of … Read More

Abington Church with a link to William Shakespeare!

Adrian Oates

The historic church will be open for visitors to look around. Some parts of the church date back to 1200 and it has a connection to the Bard! Abington church stands in Abington Park. Visitors will be able to look around inside. No booking required.

February Half Term: Trail and Crafts – Ice Age Themed!

Adrian Oates

Looking for a cost effective way to keep the kids having fun this February half term? Come and join us at the Museum for some Ice Aged themed fun all the family can enjoy! No need to book, just drop in! The Trail: Set off round the museum, checking out all the galleries, on our popular Ice Age themed trail … Read More

February half-term: The Big Thaw

Adrian Oates

Oh no! The Ice Age collection has defrosted! Can you help us hunt down what ancient creature has been brought back from extinction? Using the clues it left behind in the museum galleries, looking at fossils and doing science experiments, figure out which Ice Age animal has escaped – fun for all the family to enjoy! Make your vert own … Read More